Return & Refund Policy
Return & Refunds Policy:
Upfront, we want you to know dat Monstah will always do best to get you delish kookies to make you happy. We happy when you happy and we very very sad if you not happy. If sumthing wrong please contakt Monstah soonest (see contact us page) and we do best to fix for you.
Even tho we will always do our best for you no matter what situation, we must inform you of the official policy that you agree to by purchasing from us:
Kookies are perishable food items, so unfortunately we cannot take return or refund of any delivered item, or any items already in shipping / transit.
We also not liable for and cannot take returns or give refunds for items that may have broken in transit (however, we assures that Monstah takes very very good care of packaging so this should really not happen – and hasn’t happened so far)
If for any reason Monstah cannot fulfil your order, we will contact you soonest and give full refund
If you have a problem or need Monstah help for any reason, please contact here